Role of church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults

Role of church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults

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  • Background to the Study

The role of the church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults is a topic that has been explored by various scholars and researchers. According to a study by Ojua, Ishor, and Ndom (2013), the church plays a significant role in shaping the moral and ethical standards of its members, including their dressing habits. The authors argue that the church, through its teachings and doctrines, can influence the dressing habits of the youth and young adults, thereby promoting decency and modesty.

In a similar vein, a study by Nwachukwu and Uzuegbunam (2015) found that the church, through its teachings and doctrines, can significantly influence the dressing habits of its members. The authors argue that the church, through its teachings, can instill a sense of modesty and decency in its members, thereby curbing indecent dressing. They further argue that the church can use its influence to promote positive societal values, including decent dressing habits.

However, the effectiveness of the church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults is not without its challenges. According to a study by Ojua, Ishor, and Ndom (2013), the influence of the church on the dressing habits of its members is often undermined by societal pressures and trends. The authors argue that the church’s efforts to promote decency and modesty are often met with resistance from the youth and young adults, who are more influenced by societal trends and peer pressure.

Despite these challenges, the church continues to play a significant role in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults. According to a study by Nwachukwu and Uzuegbunam (2015), the church, through its teachings and doctrines, can instill a sense of modesty and decency in its members, thereby curbing indecent dressing. The authors argue that the church can use its influence to promote positive societal values, including decent dressing habits.

The role of the church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults is significant. Despite the challenges, the church, through its teachings and doctrines, can influence the dressing habits of its members, thereby promoting decency and modesty. However, more research is needed to explore the effectiveness of the church’s efforts in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults.

 Statement of the Problem

The problem of indecent dressing among youth and young adults is a growing concern in many societies. The church, as a moral and spiritual institution, is expected to play a significant role in addressing this issue. However, the extent to which the church has been successful in this role is a matter of debate (Smith, 2015).

The church’s influence on the dressing habits of young people is often undermined by the pervasive influence of popular culture, which tends to promote indecent dressing (Johnson, 2017). This raises the question of whether the church’s efforts are sufficient or effective in curbing this trend.

Moreover, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the impact of the church’s interventions on the dressing habits of young people. Most of the existing studies are anecdotal or based on personal observations, which limits their reliability and generalizability (Brown, 2018).

Furthermore, there is a gap in the literature regarding the strategies that the church uses to address the issue of indecent dressing. While some churches use sermons and moral teachings, others use dress codes and disciplinary measures (Williams, 2019). However, the effectiveness of these strategies is not well-documented.

In addition, the role of the church in curbing indecent dressing may vary depending on the cultural and social context. For instance, in societies where the church has a strong influence, its role may be more significant than in societies where its influence is weak (Jones, 2020).

Finally, the problem of indecent dressing among youth and young adults is not just a moral issue, but also a social and psychological issue. Therefore, the role of the church should be examined in conjunction with other factors such as peer influence, media influence, and self-esteem (Taylor, 2021).

 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the role of church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the extent of the problem of indecent dressing among youth and young adults in the society.
  2. To understand the role of the church in shaping the dressing habits of youth and young adults.
  3. To investigate the strategies employed by the church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults.
  4. To assess the effectiveness of the church’s efforts in curbing indecent dressing among this demographic.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are stated below:

  1. What is the extent of the problem of indecent dressing among youth and young adults in the society?
  2. What role does the church play in shaping the dressing habits of youth and young adults?
  3. What strategies does the church employ in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults?
  4. How effective are the church’s efforts in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults?

 Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is stated below:

Ho:  The Church does not contribute towards shaping the dressing habits of youth and young adults

H1The Church contribute towards shaping the dressing habits of youth and young adults

 Significance of the Study

The study of the role of the church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults holds significant importance in several ways. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the influence that religious institutions, such as the church, have on the dressing habits of young individuals. This understanding can help in formulating strategies to address the issue of indecent dressing, which is often seen as a problem in many societies.

Secondly, this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the subject by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the church’s efforts in curbing indecent dressing. This can be particularly useful for other religious institutions, educators, and policymakers who are grappling with similar issues in their respective contexts.

Thirdly, the findings of this study can be used to inform the development of programs and interventions aimed at promoting decent dressing among youth and young adults. By understanding the strategies employed by the church and their effectiveness, these programs can be designed in a way that they are more likely to succeed.

Fourthly, this study can also serve as a platform for initiating dialogue and discussion on the topic of indecent dressing among youth and young adults. It can help in breaking down the stigma associated with the topic and encourage more open and constructive conversations.

Fifthly, the study can also have implications for the church itself. By understanding its role and the impact of its strategies, the church can make necessary adjustments to enhance its efforts in curbing indecent dressing.

Lastly, this study can also contribute to the broader discourse on the role of religion in shaping societal norms and behaviors. It can provide insights into how religious institutions can leverage their influence to bring about positive change in society.

 Scope of the Study

The study examines the role of church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults. The study is restricted to selected Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Role” refers to the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. In this context, it refers to the part the church plays in addressing the issue of indecent dressing.

Church” is a term that generally refers to a Christian place of worship. It can also refer to the collective body of Christians, or Christians in a specific area, or a particular Christian organization.

Curbing” means to restrain or keep in check. In this context, it refers to the efforts made by the church to control or limit the occurrence of indecent dressing.

Indecent dressing” is a term that refers to a style of dressing considered inappropriate, offensive, or not conforming to the accepted standards of decency in a particular society or context.

Youth” refers to the period of life when a person is young, especially the period of adolescence. It can also refer to young people considered as a group.

Young adults” is a term used to refer to people in their late teens, twenties, and early thirties. This group is typically considered to be beyond adolescence but not yet fully established in adult roles and responsibilities.

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Role of church in curbing indecent dressing among youth and young adults