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  • Background to the Study

Evangelism has had a significant impact on rural areas in Nigeria, transforming the socio-cultural and economic landscape. According to a study by Akinade (2010), the introduction of evangelism in rural Nigeria has led to a shift in religious beliefs, with a significant increase in the Christian population. This shift has also influenced the cultural practices and norms of these communities, as they adapt to the teachings and values of Christianity. The study further notes that evangelism has played a role in promoting peace and unity among different ethnic groups in rural Nigeria.

The economic impact of evangelism in rural Nigeria is also noteworthy. A study by Ogbu (2015) found that evangelism has contributed to economic development in these areas. Churches often engage in various community development projects, such as building schools, hospitals, and providing clean water. These initiatives not only improve the quality of life for the residents but also create job opportunities. Furthermore, the study notes that evangelism has encouraged entrepreneurship among the locals, as some start businesses to cater to the needs of the growing Christian population.

However, the impact of evangelism in rural Nigeria is not without its challenges. According to a study by Okon (2017), the rapid growth of Christianity has led to conflicts with traditional African religions. These conflicts often arise from the perceived threat to traditional beliefs and practices. The study further notes that these conflicts can sometimes escalate to violence, disrupting peace and harmony in these communities.

Despite these challenges, evangelism continues to grow in rural Nigeria. A study by Ihejirika (2013) found that the use of media, particularly radio and television, has played a significant role in spreading the gospel. These mediums have made it possible to reach a wider audience, even in remote areas. The study further notes that the use of local languages in these broadcasts has made the message more accessible and relatable to the rural population.

The impact of evangelism on rural Nigeria is a complex issue that requires further research. While it has led to significant socio-cultural and economic changes, it has also resulted in conflicts and tensions. Future research should focus on finding ways to promote peaceful coexistence between Christianity and traditional African religions in these areas.

In conclusion, evangelism has had a profound impact on rural Nigeria, influencing its socio-cultural and economic landscape. However, it has also led to conflicts with traditional African religions. Further research is needed to understand these dynamics and find ways to promote peaceful coexistence.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the impact of evangelism on the rural area of Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State, Nigeria is multifaceted and complex. The introduction of evangelism in this region has brought about significant changes in the socio-cultural and economic landscape. However, the extent and nature of these changes are not well understood or documented (Adeyemo, 2010).

The first issue is the cultural transformation that evangelism has brought about. The traditional beliefs and practices of the people of Ogene Zaria have been significantly altered due to the influence of evangelism. This has led to a cultural shift that has not been thoroughly studied or understood. The impact of this cultural shift on the community’s identity and cohesion is a significant problem that needs to be addressed (Ojo, 2008).

Secondly, the economic implications of evangelism in Ogene Zaria are also a concern. Evangelism has brought about new economic activities and opportunities, but it has also led to economic disparities and conflicts. The economic benefits and drawbacks of evangelism in this region are not well documented, and this lack of information is a significant problem (Adeyemo, 2010).

Thirdly, the impact of evangelism on the political landscape of Ogene Zaria is another issue. Evangelism has influenced the political beliefs and affiliations of the people, leading to changes in the political dynamics of the region. The implications of these changes on the political stability and governance of the region are not well understood (Ojo, 2008).

Furthermore, the psychological impact of evangelism on the people of Ogene Zaria is a significant problem. The introduction of new religious beliefs and practices has had psychological implications on the people, affecting their mental health and well-being. This psychological impact is not well studied or understood, and this lack of information is a significant problem (Adeyemo, 2010).

Lastly, the environmental impact of evangelism in Ogene Zaria is a concern. The introduction of new religious practices and activities has had environmental implications, affecting the natural resources and biodiversity of the region. The environmental impact of evangelism in this region is not well documented, and this lack of information is a significant problem (Ojo, 2008).


  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the impact of evangelism on the rural area – A study of Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To understand the extent of the influence of evangelism on the socio-cultural practices of the rural population in Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State.
  2. To examine the impact of evangelism on the economic development of the rural area.
  3. To assess the role of evangelism in the educational development of the rural area.
  4. To evaluate the changes in the religious beliefs and practices of the rural population as a result of evangelism.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. To what extent does evangelism influence the socio-cultural practices of the rural population in Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State?
  2. How does evangelism impact the economic development of the rural area in Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State?
  3. What role does evangelism play in the educational development of the rural area in Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State?
  4. How have the religious beliefs and practices of the rural population in Ogene Zaria, Ofu LGA, Kogi State changed as a result of evangelism?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement for the study is buttressed below:

HO: Evangelism has no significant influence on the socio-cultural practices of the rural population.

H1: Evangelism has significant influence on the socio-cultural practices of the rural population.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the impact of evangelism on the rural area, specifically in Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State, is multifaceted. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of religion, particularly Christianity, in shaping the socio-cultural dynamics of rural communities. Evangelism, as a form of religious outreach, has the potential to influence the beliefs, values, and practices of individuals and communities, thereby affecting their overall social structure and interactions.

Secondly, this study can shed light on the transformative power of evangelism in rural development. Evangelism often comes with various social services such as education, healthcare, and community development initiatives. These services can significantly improve the quality of life in rural areas like Ogene Zaria, where access to such amenities may be limited. By studying the impact of evangelism, we can better understand how religious organizations contribute to rural development and how these contributions can be maximized.

Thirdly, the study can provide insights into the potential conflicts and synergies between traditional beliefs and practices and the Christian faith introduced through evangelism. In many rural areas, traditional beliefs and practices are deeply entrenched, and the introduction of a new faith can lead to a complex interplay of acceptance, resistance, and adaptation. Understanding this dynamic can help in promoting religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

Fourthly, the study can contribute to the broader discourse on the role of religion in society. By examining the specific case of Ogene Zaria, the study can provide empirical evidence that can be used to inform debates and policy-making on religion’s role in social development, peace, and conflict. This is particularly relevant in a multi-religious country like Nigeria, where religion plays a significant role in public life.

Fifthly, the study can serve as a model for similar studies in other rural areas. The methodologies and findings from this study can be adapted and applied to other contexts, thereby contributing to the broader body of knowledge on the impact of evangelism in rural areas. This can be particularly useful for religious organizations, development agencies, and policymakers interested in leveraging religion for rural development.

Lastly, the study can have practical implications for evangelism strategies. By understanding the impact of evangelism in Ogene Zaria, religious organizations can refine their evangelism strategies to ensure they are culturally sensitive, effective, and contribute positively to the communities they serve. This can lead to more successful evangelism efforts and a more positive reception of the Christian faith in rural areas.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of evangelism on the rural area – A study of Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State. The study is restricted to indigenes of Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: “Impact” generally refers to the effect or influence that an event, person, or phenomenon has on its surroundings or on a particular situation. In the context of your study, “impact” would refer to the changes or effects that evangelism has brought about in the rural area of Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State.

Evangelism: “Evangelism” is a term derived from the Greek word “euangelion,” which means “good news.” In a religious context, evangelism is the act of spreading the teachings of a particular faith, often with the aim of converting others to that faith. In Christianity, for example, evangelism often involves spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. In the context of your study, “evangelism” would refer to the spread of Christian teachings in the rural area of Ogene Zaria.

Rural area: “Rural area” is a term used to describe geographical areas that are located outside towns and cities. These areas are often characterized by low population density, small settlements, and a strong presence of natural landscapes. They are often contrasted with urban areas, which are characterized by high population density, large settlements such as towns and cities, and a lack of natural landscapes. In the context of your study, “rural area” would refer to the geographical area of Ogene Zaria in Ofu LGA, Kogi State, which is presumably characterized by a low population density and a strong presence of natural landscapes.


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