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  • Background to the Study

Home Economics Education (HEE) has been identified as a significant tool in promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance among secondary school students in Nigeria. According to Ezeani and Elekwa (2012), HEE provides students with practical skills and knowledge that can be applied in various entrepreneurial ventures. The curriculum of HEE includes areas such as food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, and home management, all of which are potential areas for entrepreneurship. This implies that students who undergo HEE are equipped with skills that can be used to start and manage a business, thereby promoting self-reliance.

The importance of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship cannot be overemphasized. A study by Okebukola (2014) revealed that students who underwent HEE were more likely to start their own businesses compared to those who did not. This is because HEE provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to identify business opportunities, develop business ideas, and manage a business effectively. Furthermore, HEE also instills in students the values of hard work, creativity, and innovation, which are essential for entrepreneurship.

However, the potential of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance among secondary school students in Nigeria is yet to be fully realized. According to Ukonze and Amadi (2015), many secondary schools in Nigeria do not offer HEE as a subject, and where it is offered, it is often not taken seriously by both the students and the teachers. This is a major setback in the quest to promote entrepreneurship and self-reliance among secondary school students in Nigeria through HEE.

In order to harness the potential of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance, there is a need for a paradigm shift in the way HEE is perceived and taught in Nigerian secondary schools. According to Ezeani and Elekwa (2012), there is a need to make HEE more practical and entrepreneurship-oriented. This can be achieved by incorporating more practical sessions into the HEE curriculum and exposing students to real-life entrepreneurial experiences.

Furthermore, there is also a need for more research on the role of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance among secondary school students in Nigeria. According to Okebukola (2014), there is a dearth of research on this subject, which makes it difficult to ascertain the extent to which HEE can promote entrepreneurship and self-reliance. More research on this subject will provide more empirical evidence on the role of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance.

Furthermore, HEE has the potential to promote entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance among secondary school students in Nigeria. However, for this potential to be fully realized, there is a need for a paradigm shift in the way HEE is perceived and taught in Nigerian secondary schools. There is also a need for more research on this subject to provide more empirical evidence on the role of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of unemployment among Nigerian youth is a pressing issue that has been a subject of concern for many years (Ajaegbu, 2012). Despite the government’s efforts to reduce unemployment rates, the problem persists, particularly among secondary school graduates. This issue is further compounded by the lack of entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance among these graduates, which hinders their ability to create employment opportunities for themselves and others (Oviawe, 2017).

Home Economics Education (HEE) in Nigerian secondary schools has been identified as a potential solution to this problem. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research on the effectiveness of HEE in promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance among secondary school students (Eze, 2015). This gap in the literature presents a significant problem as it hinders the development of effective strategies and policies aimed at enhancing the entrepreneurial capacity of Nigerian youth.

Furthermore, the curriculum of HEE in Nigerian secondary schools has been criticized for being outdated and not in line with the current demands of the job market (Oviawe, 2017). This discrepancy between the curriculum and the job market requirements further exacerbates the problem of unemployment among secondary school graduates.

Moreover, there is a lack of adequate training and resources for teachers of HEE, which affects the quality of education and the development of entrepreneurship skills among students (Eze, 2015). This issue is further compounded by the low status of HEE in the school curriculum, which often results in a lack of interest and motivation among students.

Lastly, societal attitudes towards HEE and entrepreneurship in Nigeria also pose a significant challenge. Many people view entrepreneurship as a less desirable career path compared to formal employment, which discourages students from pursuing entrepreneurial activities (Ajaegbu, 2012).

The problem of promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education among secondary school students in Nigeria is multifaceted and requires comprehensive research and effective strategies to address it.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine “Promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education among Secondary School Students”. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the role of Home Economics Education in promoting entrepreneurship skills among secondary school students.
  2. To assess the impact of Home Economics Education on the self-reliance of secondary school students.
  3. To identify the challenges faced by secondary school students in acquiring entrepreneurship skills through Home Economics Education.
  4. To evaluate the effectiveness of Home Economics curriculum in fostering entrepreneurship and self-reliance among secondary school students.
  • Research Questions

The research questions stated below:

  1. What role does Home Economics Education play in promoting entrepreneurship skills among secondary school students?
  2. How does Home Economics Education impact the self-reliance of secondary school students?
  3. What are the challenges faced by secondary school students in acquiring entrepreneurship skills through Home Economics Education?
  4. How effective is the Home Economics curriculum in fostering entrepreneurship and self-reliance among secondary school students?
  • Research Questions

Ho: Home Economics Education cannot promote entrepreneurship skills among secondary school students.

H1: Home Economics Education can promote entrepreneurship skills among secondary school students

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education among Secondary School Students in Nigeria cannot be overstated. Nigeria, like many other developing countries, is grappling with high unemployment rates, especially among the youth. By integrating entrepreneurship skills into Home Economics Education, students are equipped with practical skills that can be applied in real-life situations, thus fostering self-reliance.

Home Economics Education, traditionally, has been a subject that equips students with skills in areas such as food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, and home management. By incorporating entrepreneurship skills into this curriculum, it not only broadens the scope of the subject but also makes it more relevant in today’s economy. Students are taught how to start and manage a business, financial literacy, and other entrepreneurial skills. This approach transforms the students from job seekers to job creators, thus reducing the unemployment rate.

Moreover, entrepreneurship education in Home Economics can also contribute to poverty reduction. With the skills acquired, students can start their own small-scale businesses, thus improving their living standards and contributing to the economy. This is particularly significant in a country like Nigeria, where poverty levels are high.

Furthermore, promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education can also lead to the development of innovative solutions to local problems. Students are encouraged to think creatively and innovatively, which can lead to the development of products and services that meet local needs. This not only contributes to local economic development but also fosters a culture of innovation.

In addition, entrepreneurship education in Home Economics can also contribute to gender equality. In many parts of Nigeria, women and girls are often disadvantaged in terms of access to education and economic opportunities. By equipping girls with entrepreneurial skills, they are empowered to become economically independent, thus challenging traditional gender roles and contributing to gender equality.

The significance of promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education among Secondary School Students in Nigeria is multifaceted. It contributes to reducing unemployment, poverty reduction, fostering innovation, and promoting gender equality. Therefore, it is a strategy that should be embraced and promoted to ensure the development and progress of Nigeria.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines “Promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Home Economics Education among Secondary School Students”. The study is limited to students of selected secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Promoting: This refers to the act of supporting, encouraging, or advocating for something. In this context, it means actively encouraging the development and growth of entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance among students.
  2. Entrepreneurship Skills: These are the abilities necessary to start, develop, and manage a business. They include creativity, problem-solving, decision-making, risk-taking, and leadership skills. These skills are crucial for students as they prepare them for the future, whether they choose to start their own businesses or contribute innovatively to existing ones.
  3. Self-reliance: This is the ability to depend on oneself for the things one needs. It involves being independent and having the confidence to make decisions and solve problems on one’s own. In the context of education, it means equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to be self-sufficient in their personal and professional lives.
  4. Home Economics Education: This is a field of study that involves teaching students practical skills for daily life, such as cooking, budgeting, and sewing. It also includes broader topics like nutrition, consumer education, and family relationships. In the context of promoting entrepreneurship, Home Economics Education can provide students with practical skills that they can use to start their own businesses.
  5. School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. It provides a structured environment where students learn academic and social skills. In this context, secondary schools in Nigeria are the focus, where students are typically aged between 11 and 18 years.
  6. Student: A student is an individual who is actively engaged in learning, typically within a school or educational institution. They are the primary beneficiaries of educational systems, and their learning experiences shape their skills, knowledge, and future potential.

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