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This study was designed to assess the impact of staff management system on the administrative effectiveness of primary schools in Oyo State. The designed objectives were to determine the impact of staff management system on the administrative effectiveness of instructional work, school records, school environment, pupil development, and staff management. These were properly achieved by descriptive research method. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire. A total of 234 supervisors and principals responded to the questionnaire, the data were analyzed and interpreted through the use of t-test statistics. There was hypothesis testing where p>0.05, means that any t – value that is below 0.05 was rejected. The research discovered that there is need for more provision of facilities for teacher’s management, academic and administrative facilities needs to be improved. There is need for constant supervision of instructional work. This helps in achieving primary school aims and objectives. It is recommended among others that workshops and conferences be organized to teachers from time to time.



1.1 Background to the Study

It is pertinent for every organization to be committed in creating an equitable and motivating working environment to empower members. Staff management is seen by Support Council Education Service (2004) as one of the main roots of achieving this commitment. Staff management system is, therefore, a process designed to improve job understanding, promote more effective job performance, and establish future goals for career growth. It helps staff in understanding their responsibilities. It is the opportunities available to new and experienced teachers and teaching assistants (paraprofessionals). These activities are designed to improve the quality of classroom instruction and enable individual to grow professionally.

Every society requires adequate human and material resources to improve its social organization, preserve the ethos, enhance economic development and reform the political structures. Education is often seen as a prerequisite for quality manpower development and creation of wealth, a sure path to success in life and service to humanity. Thus, teachers have important role to play to adequately prepare the young for their roles in the society in order to achieve the set national objectives. Teachers‟ influence is always felt in every aspect of the society. All other professionals and workers within the society have at one time or the other passed through the tutelage of a teacher and thus whatever they now become is a direct outcome of what teachers have passed on to them (Okemakinde, Adewuyi &Alabi 2013).

Syeda, Nighat & Syeda (2012), Education is paramount not only for the success of an individual but for the nation as well. Education is defined as to develop knowledge, skills and character of the pupils. Its major objective is to make an individual learn about how to level with the society by developing intellect, equipping one‟s self to deal with the reality of life and by facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, positive judgement, well developed wisdom and profoundness (Syeda, Nighat & Syeda 2012). A successful teacher is required to be equipped with the characteristics like mastery of subject matter, professional training, sound physical and mental health, devotion and dedication to his profession (Syeda, Nighat & Syeda 2012). The teacher of today is an individual who is not only interested in children‟s acquired knowledge and skills but also equally involved in his total development.

Supervision is a way of stimulating, guiding, refreshing, encouraging teachers with the hope of achieving the educational set goals. Supervision is an age-long device for improving teachers’ skills (Ogunsaju, 1993). Supervision is one among the many responsibilities of an educational administration performed by school heads, teachers and pupils. Since education is very necessary in our country, supervision must be given a high priority. This is because supervision deals with the basic needs of schools and it helps in provision, maintenance, assisting and proper placement of both human and nonhuman materials in schools.

Areas where supervisors assess in school include, the resources (fund), environment, school and community development, records, staff management, and school instructional material. All these areas are vital which such schools will not remain as schools without them. Therefore, these are areas which if much attention is not given to; the educational goals will never be achieved or cannot be realized. Thus, this research attempts to study if there is any impact on the administrative effectiveness of these areas.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The impact of staff management system on the performance of teachers is worth investigating when one looks at the over view in the background to the study. The calibre of many teachers working in the public primary schools around Nigeria is nothing to write home about. They are usually inefficient in the performance of their duties. Administrators of education in the states rarely organize in-service training, conferences, workshops, seminars and mentoring for primary school teachers to improve themselves in spite of their critical role in bringing about teachers‟ effectiveness and this has grossly affected the quality and quantity of teachers. Thus, if staff management system fails and did not succeed, Nigeria may experience set back in her social and economic development.

In Nigeria, Local Education Authority takes charge of primary education supervision and inspection. The most alarming area is that of the personnel. Trained supervisors and inspectors are the most bottle neck in the school system. These trained personnel are not only inadequate, but in some cases do not exist. The few that exist are never trained on the skills of supervision and inspection. This certainly could be the beginning of no control on the available resources (both human and material). Cases of inspectors attempting to use personal interest are many. This indicates lack of knowledge and technical knowhow of the aim of the school inspection.

School management will make sure that there is provision of proper school environment with good surroundings, adequate health facilities, playground equipment and garden with good colorful flowers that will beautify the school, proper arrangement of water devices. All these and many more make and encourage teaching and learning in schools.

Another area to be well supervised is the school facilities, the supervisors were expected to investigate the provision, maintenance and functioning of school facilities provided by the school management. School facilities involve; library equipment, tables, chairs, lab equipment, playground facilities, toilets, and urinary materials. The supervisors help in the provision of school facilities and maintenance.

The last but not the least area is the inspection of school records. This is a very important way of having the historical, references, documentation and evaluation of teachers, head teachers and the pupils of the school. School records involves functioning, availability, and maintenance of the school records. If there is proper and regular supervision in this mentioned areas, in our primary school basically, education in Nigeria will be improved and the aims and objectives will be attained and the successful administration of the primary education can be achieved.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study was set to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Determine the impact of staff management on the administrative effectiveness of primary schools in Oyo State.
  2. Determine the impact of staff management on the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oyo State.
  3. Determine the impact of staff management on effectiveness of school and community relationship among primary schools in Oyo State;
  4. Determine the impact of staff management on the management of school environment in primary schools in Oyo State;
  5. Determine the impact of staff management on the usability of school facilities in primary schools in Oyo State.
  • Research Questions
  1. What is the impact of staff management on the administrative effectiveness of primary schools in Oyo State?
  • What is the impact of staff management on the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oyo State?
  • What is the impact of staff management on effectiveness of school and community relationship among primary schools in Oyo State?
  • What the impact of staff management on the management of school environment in primary schools in Oyo State?
  • What is the impact of staff management on the usability of school facilities in primary schools in Oyo State?


1.5 Research Hypotheses

The study formulated the following hypotheses:

H0: There is no significant difference in the opinions of head teachers and supervisors on the impact of staff management on the administrative effectiveness of primary schools in Oyo State.

H0: There is no significant difference in the opinions of head teachers and supervisors on the impact of staff management on the academic performance of pupils in Oyo State.


1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is significant for the following reasons: findings will add to the current body of knowledge and debates for researchers about the concepts of staff development systems and the administration of primary schools. Findings will make contribution to policies of government that will encourage in-service training programs, conferences, workshops, seminars and mentoring in our primary schools for improvement in the school administration. Also findings from the study will be of immense benefit to the ministry of education official in realizing the importance of staff development systems.

It is also significant for school principals in order to focus on development of relevant skills to perform their roles such as instructional skills, management skills, human relation abilities and leadership skills. Findings will account also for the impact of teachers‟ professional development programs on the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oyo state. The study is also significant with developing in pupils‟ the basic skills and imparting in them knowledge and understanding.

1.7 Scope of study

The study was designed on impact of staff management system on the administrative effectiveness of primary schools in Egbeda Egbeda Local Government Area, Oyo State only. The researcher selected this local government for research purpose alone and no ulterior motive in the selection of the primary schools in the local government.

The study is also limited to all public primary schools and include all the head teachers and supervisors from the ministry of education in Oyo State.


1.8 Limitation of the Study

This research was met with a lot of limitations including; transport cost to the area of study, time constrain, as other academic work was on the table at the time of the research, also, access to the principals and supervisors posed a challenge, and the ability to get appropriate data from the schools.


1.9 Definition of terms

Staff management; is the management of subordinates in an organization., Often, large organizations have many of these functions performed by a specialist department, such as personnel or human resources, but all line managers are still required to supervise and administer the activities and ensure the well-being of the staff that report to them.

Administration effectiveness; is the positive response to administrative efforts and actions with. the intention to accomplish stated goals. These include administrative performance in. decision making, delegation of duties and setting of examples.

Pupils; a person, usually young, who is learning under the close supervision of a teacher at school, a private tutor.


Primary Schools; is an institution where children receive the first stage of academic learning known as elementary or primary education.


School Principal; The school principal is the highest-ranking administrator in an elementary, middle, or high school.


Academic performance; is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals.


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