Impact of conflict on children and the society in Christian homes

Impact of conflict on children and the society in Christian homes


Conflict is normal in every relationship, even Christian households. It is often held that friction between two people is healthy for the development of their relationship. However, disagreements in Christian households can do significant damage if they go unresolved or are handled poorly. The breakdown of communication, financial strain, conflicting parenting methods, and religious differences are all factors that contribute to tension in Christian families. This overview of the relevant literature aims to shed light on these factors and provide ways to alleviate domestic strife in Christian households. Disparities arise when Christians struggle to communicate with one another. Couples frequently dispute due to communication breakdowns such as miscommunication, mistrust, and poor listening skills.


Couples who are good communicators tend to avoid arguments, while those who aren’t have a harder time finding solutions to problems. Open dialogue, attentive listening, and minimal interruptions are all recommended by Engstrom, Carlson, and Gorman (2017) as means of reducing the likelihood of a communication breakdown between partners. Couples that are able to express themselves openly and gain an appreciation for one another through open lines of communication tend to have fewer arguments. Disagreement is common in Christian households due to a number of factors, including a failure to communicate and financial strain. Disagreements over how much money should be spent or saved are common sources of friction in relationships.


Coleman, Lorenz, and Benavides (2017) found that couples who were having money problems also had relationship problems. Christians should agree on a budget, keep track of their spending, establish financial objectives, and refrain from frivolous spending in order to keep their households financially peaceful. Couples who want to fix their money problems and learn how to manage their money well might benefit from financial counseling, according to the study’s authors.


Furthermore, disagreements might arise from Christians’ varying parenting practices. Parental arguments over child rearing are common because of the wide range of parental perspectives. Conflicting parenting styles can lead to mental health problems in children, according to research by Arnett (2015). Parents may reduce tension by working together to develop a shared approach to parenting, being flexible, and maintaining open lines of communication. Parents may assist each other out and lessen the likelihood of competing parenting styles if they have clear plans and communicate well with one another. Even in Christian households, disagreements can arise over religious beliefs.


It’s not uncommon for couples to argue because they don’t share the same religious values. DeMaris and Kline (2014) found that couples who did not have a common religious background were more likely to report religious conflict and less likely to report being satisfied with their relationship as a result. Couples were encouraged to compromise and talk openly about their religious backgrounds and practices to reduce arguments, as shown in the study. Finally, Christian households are not immune to the normal ups and downs of any other relationship.


Disagreements in Christian households can arise from a variety of sources, including poor communication, financial strain, divergent parenting approaches, and religious differences. Conflicts in Christian households can be resolved by measures including better communication, financial planning, compromise, and professional therapy. In order to better understand one another and have fewer arguments, couples should talk honestly about their religious views, come to an agreement on a shared budget, and compromise on their approaches to parenting. To live together peacefully, both partners must be prepared to understand one another and make concessions.



Arnett, J. J. (2015). Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from Late Teens Through the Twenties. Oxford University Press.


Coleman, M., Lorenz, M., & Benavides, A. D. (2017). Money trouble: Financial problems as a source of stress in personal relationships. Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, 34(7), 954-971.


DeMaris, A., & Kline, G. H. (2014). Religion and family in a changing society. Springer.


Engstrom, J. L., Carlson, C. R., & Gorman, G. N. (2017). Maintenance strategies for couple relationships: A review of the research literature. Journal of marital and family therapy, 43(2), 325-342.


Shek, D. T., Cheung, S. K., & Tsui, P. F. (2015). Relationships among family functioning, parent–child relational qualities, and self-control in Chinese adolescents with economic disadvantage. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 164.