Full Project – The effect of staff training and development – a key factor for organizational growth

Full Project – The effect of staff training and development – a key factor for organizational growth

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Organizations that don’t embrace development of skilled labor are likely to find themselves with unskilled or incompetent staff.

According to Barker  Alen (2009) said that training and development of existing staff is also much more cost efficient than recruiting and inducting new employees.

Training is an organized effort to bring about change in employee behavior.

The term training and development are often used interchangeably even though they have different connotation in a narrow sense, training refers to the way in which specific knowledge and skills necessary to perform a specific job are taught.

According to Crawford (1984). Development implies a parallel process in which people acquire more general abilities and information but in the way that cannot always be tied directly to a particular task they perform.

Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skill for a definite or specific purpose.

Training is the process of acquiring attitude, skills and knowledge for the aim of acquiring organizational objective or goals.

Development on the other side is a long term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and the theoretical knowledge for general purpose.

According to Banjoko(1998). Training is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, ideas and attitude which is a sort of value addition in order to update yourself in preparation to achieve organizational objective. Training tends to be connected with non-managerial employees while development usually refers to management staff.


This are some critical problem facing the organizational growth   which are

  1. Lack of financial capacity to carry out the expected training.
  2. inadequate supply for training materials and resources personnel.
  3. Irregular and untimely training material or programme for employees.
  4. Selling of training to top-management and attitude of employee towards training, some employees are more concerned with the package of the training rather than the training programme. These problem listed above can hinder the organization from achieving the organizational goal.


The main objective study is to evaluate the effect of staff training and development in employees’ work commitment in the organization.

Some of the objective are:

  1. To determine if training could be used as a major tools enhancing staff commitment to work.
  2. To determine the relevance of various training programme to the realization of the organization set objectives.
  • To examine whether training and development of employee have truly yielded the desire result i.e whether employees reflect what they are being taught.
  1. To examine if training have truly yielded the desire result in an organization
  2. To make relevant suggestion based on the finding of the study on how training could be used as a tool in the achievement of organizational goal or objective.


Under listed questions were formulated by the researcher to serve as a guide direction in carrying out the research work.

  1. Does the training enhance staff commitment to work?
  2. Does training and development determine the designed to help staff or employees in the acquisition of basic skill required for carrying out specific job.?
  3. Does training and development examine if employee have truly yielded the desire result?
  4. Does training equip the employees and motivate them to carry out their job with effectiveness?
  5. How often does your organization send staff on training to acquire new attitude, skills and knowledge?




The researcher work is relevant for the purpose of awarding National Diploma in Business Administration  and Management. It will also be relevant for those in this field of study or endeavor.

However the researcher work will also be significant to those that will intend to carry out the same work field in these field.


The study covers the effect of staff training and development, a key factor for organizational growth as it affect First Bank of Nigeria Plc Bida Branch.


However, due to time constraints and the limited resources available to these researcher, only 10 staff or employees, 5 typist, aside 2 top management staff working within the Bank only was covered.


  1. Effect: As viewed from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Special prize Ed) by Crother (2000), effect is seen as a change that somebody or something causes in somebody or something else; a result:
  2. Staff: It means all the workers employed in an organization considered as group: medical / library staff, teaching staff e.t.c.
  3. Training: Training is a process of acquiring new attitude, skills, knowledge which is a sort of value addition in order to update yourself in preparation to achieve organizational goal or objective. In other word training is an organized effort to bring change in employee behavior.
  4. Development: It is a long term educational proess utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. In other words development means the activity undertaken to implore an employee to perform additional duties and assume higher responsibilities in the organization hierarchy.
  5. Factor: As viewed from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, factor means one of several things that cause or influence something.
  6. Organization: In real sense, it means an arrangement system or body of people. But the organization we referred to here is based on office. In Eze &Paul (Abid) Azuka (1990) define organization as the process of combining the work which individuals or groups perform with the organization available resources to ensure efficient systematic, positive and coordinated utilization of resources.
  7. Growth: Growth means the proce.ss of growth in physically, mentally or emotionally: growth in anther words means to increase from one level to another leel. For example an organization that does not experience growth may likely to fall down.
  8. Education: It is a basic instrument in knowledge and skills designed to enable people to make life meaningful it is personal and broad based.
  9. Incentive: Incentive means something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward that induces action or motivates effort.

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Full Project – The effect of staff training and development – a key factor for organizational growth