Full Project – Impact of training and development on workers productivity

Full Project – Impact of training and development on workers productivity

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1.1. Background to the Study

Manpower is the total number of all available workers in an organization. The role and importance of manpower in the long term viability of any business or enterprises cannot be overemphasized. Manpower is the basis of all resources used and it is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind’s use and benefits, so how well we develop and employ human resources skills is fundamental in deciding how much will be accomplished as an organization and a nation as a whole; manpower development and utilization is of utmost importance to any sector, as it deals with how best to keep employees comfortable in their jobs, up-to-date, resourceful and versatile; this is expected to ensure optimal and continual performance of their assigned roles in an efficient and effective manner. The above is very important given the nature of human existence in the contemporary times (Ajieh, 2014).

Manpower development is a process of intellectual and emotional achievement through providing the means by which people can grow on their jobs. Saraswathi (2010) says manpower development in the organizational context is a process by which the employees of an organization are helped in a continuous, planned ways to acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles; develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner potentials for their own and/or organizational development processes; and develop an organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationships, team work and collaboration among sub-units are strong and contribute to the professional well-being, motivation and pride of employees for the general well-being of the entire organization.

There is no doubt that in this advanced age of development and technological breakthrough, manpower must be developed to meet the challenges of modern technology. Trained and well-developed manpower is the essential ingredient for efficiency and effectiveness in Nestle Agbara factory in Ogun state. In recent years manpower training and development has been the bedrock of many organization. Adebayo (2016) define training as activities embarked upon by organization to equip its workers with necessary skills and knowledge that will help them perform their duties effectively.

Ojohwoh (2011) says manpower occupies an indispensable position in any establishment, be it an industry, commercial or educational institution. Onah (2014) says what sets most successful organization apart is how they manage human resources.

In Nigeria, many organizations have been deficient in their operations and the overall effectiveness due to the type or calibre of manpower they have, Nestle Agbara factory is not an exemption. Nestle Agbara factory is a publicly listed food and beverage specialty company. To effectively perform its function, it require well trained, developed, professional, dynamic manpower and advanced equipment.


1.2. Statement of the Research Problem

The human resources (manpower) is considered the most critical to any organizational survival of a truism that adequate supply of material and financial resources that utilizes these available resources to bring about the desired goals. This is so much so in Nestle factory Agbara Nigeria.

Most organization plan meticulously for their investment in physical and capital resources, the few organization that give thought to it do so with lack of seriousness. As a result there have been a progressive decline in the ability of manpower to cope.

In Nestle factory Agbara, the ability to achieve and sustain competitive advantage lies within the availability trained workers. The success of the company is dependent on them. It is against this backdrop that the researcher considered the study of impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state.


1.3. Objectives of the study

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state. The specific objectives are to:

  1. examinethe effect of training and development on manpower inNestle Agbara factory Ogun state.
  2. examine the impact of trained manpower on productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state.


1.4. Research Questions

This study will be guided by the following research questions:

  1. What is the impact of training and development on manpower in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state?
  2. What is the impact of trained manpower on productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state?


1.5. Significance of the Study

The critical nature of manpower to the success or growth of any organization is given. This is because inadequately trained employee is completely useless to the full achievement of the organizational goals. This applies to manufacturing sector in general and Nestle Agbara factory in particular. As employees lack the necessary capacity and confidence to perform their duties, thus affecting productivity, there is need for them to be adequately trained.

Empirically, this study is carried out to identify the needs of manpower training and development in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state so as to ameliorate the company from her low productivity problem.

This study will be important to Nestle Agbara factory, as it will help guide the management of Nestle Agbara factory on how it can operate, treat its workers,. It will teach it the importance of manpower and the necessary guide of attaining manpower. It will also help the management get maximum value from the employees by introducing training programmes at various cadres of the workforce; and enable them bring out better manpower development and utilization training programmes for its employees.

This study will be of utmost importance to investors, government and the researchers because it will provide policy recommendations to the various Nigeria stakeholders taking adequate measures in the manufacturing industry for rapid capacity investment.  It is hoped that the exploration of Nestle Agbara factory will provide a broad view of the operations of the food and beverage industry to investors and government. The changing character of the industry has affected the industry in recent times and will push studies on manpower on the industry to new evidence(s). It will contribute to existing literature on the subject matter by investigating empirically the role, which manpower plays in the manufacturing industry of the country. This study will be of benefit to;

The Academia: members of the academia will find the study relevant as it will also form basis for further research and a reference tool for academic works.

Government: this study will reveal to the government happenings in the manufacturing industry. Formulation and implementation of policies based on this findings would ensure development in the industry.

Investors: this study shall also be valuable to the investors especially those who may have research interest as it shall guide their private investment decisions.

This study at the end will enlighten the management of the company on the implication of manpower training and development.


1.6. Scope of the Study

This study is intended to examine the the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state in 2019 using the senior and junior staff workers. Nestle Nigeria PLC is located in km 32, Lagos-Badagry express road, Agbara industrial estate, Ogunstae.


1.7. Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms have been defined operationally.

  • Manpower: the total number of all available workers; the workforce.This implied the total number of pensionable employees of Nestle Nigeria PLC.
  • Training: the act of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behaviour.It is a type of activity which is planned, systematic and it results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge and competency that are necessary to perform work effectively. It include the various training programmes undergone in Nestle Nigeria PLC.
  • Development: the process of developing or being developed. It’s an event constituting a new stage in a changing situation.
  • Human resource management: is the way organizations manage their staff and help them to develop in order to be able to execute organizations’ missions and goals successfully. It relates to the way Nestle Nigeria PLC manages its staffs.
  • Training and development: refers to ongoing effort made within an organization to improve the performance and self-fulfilment of their employees through a variety of educational methods and programs.
  • Organization: an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association that has a particular purpose.


1.8 Organization of the Study

This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is introduction which consists of the background to the study, statement of problem, research questions, research  hypotheses,  objectives  of  the study, the  significance  of  the  study,   the scope  and  limitations  of  the  study  and  finally the  organization of the study. Chapter two deals with the literature review which consists of the conceptual literature, theoretical literature, empirical literature, theoretical framework. Chapter three gives the research methodology including research design, population of study, sample size, sampling technique, method of data collection, instrument of data analysis, method of data analysis, validity/reliability of instrument.  Chapter four is presentation and analysis of data, discussion of findings. Chapter five gives the summary, conclusion and recommendations.




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Full Project – Impact of training and development on workers productivity