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1.1  Background to the Study

The English language, being the official language of Nigeria, plays a significant role in the educational system. However, there is a growing concern about the poor learning and assimilation of English among students, particularly in Owerri, Nigeria. According to a study by Nwala (2015), the poor performance of students in English language examinations can be attributed to several factors, including inadequate teaching methods, lack of motivation, and the influence of mother tongue.

Inadequate teaching methods have been identified as a major factor contributing to the poor learning and assimilation of English language among students in Owerri. A study by Okoro (2017) found that many teachers in Owerri still employ traditional teaching methods, which are teacher-centered, rather than student-centered methods that encourage active participation and interaction in English.

Lack of motivation is another factor that affects the learning and assimilation of English language among students in Owerri. According to a study by Uche (2018), many students lack the motivation to learn English because they do not see its relevance to their immediate environment and future aspirations. This lack of motivation often results in poor performance in English language examinations.

The influence of mother tongue is another factor that affects the learning and assimilation of English language among students in Owerri. According to a study by Njoku (2016), many students in Owerri find it difficult to learn and assimilate English because they are more comfortable with their mother tongue. This often results in a negative transfer of language habits from the mother tongue to English.

The socio-economic status of students also plays a role in their ability to learn and assimilate English. A study by Eze (2019) found that students from low socio-economic backgrounds in Owerri often have limited access to English language learning resources, which affects their performance in English language examinations.

The poor learning and assimilation of English language among students in Owerri can be attributed to several factors, including inadequate teaching methods, lack of motivation, the influence of mother tongue, and socio-economic status. Therefore, there is a need for stakeholders in the education sector to address these issues in order to improve the learning and assimilation of English language among students in Owerri.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

The problem of poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students in Owerri, Nigeria, is a multifaceted issue that has been a subject of concern for educators, parents, and policymakers. The English language, being the lingua franca and the language of instruction in Nigerian schools, is crucial for academic success and socio-economic mobility. However, a significant number of students in Owerri struggle with English language proficiency, which hampers their academic performance and future opportunities.

One of the primary factors contributing to this problem is the lack of qualified and trained English language teachers. Many teachers in Owerri lack the necessary pedagogical skills and knowledge to effectively teach English, leading to poor student outcomes (Adeyanju, 2007). This is further compounded by large class sizes, which make individual attention and feedback difficult.

Another significant factor is the socio-economic background of the students. Many students in Owerri come from low-income families where English is not spoken at home. This lack of exposure to English outside the classroom hinders their ability to practice and improve their language skills (Osisanwo, 2003).

The curriculum and teaching methods used in many schools in Owerri also contribute to the problem. Traditional rote learning methods do not encourage critical thinking and active engagement with the language, which are crucial for language acquisition (Ubahakwe, 2006). Furthermore, the curriculum often does not reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of the students, making it difficult for them to relate to and engage with the material.

The lack of resources and infrastructure in many schools in Owerri is another contributing factor. Many schools lack libraries, language labs, and other resources necessary for effective language learning. This lack of resources limits the opportunities for students to practice and improve their English skills (Omojuwa, 2012).

The poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students in Owerri, Nigeria, is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Addressing this problem will require improving teacher training, revising the curriculum and teaching methods, providing adequate resources, and addressing socio-economic disparities.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine factors responsible for poor learning and assimilation of English language among SS2 students of Girls Secondary School, Ikenegbu, Owerri. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To find out if teaching methods contribute to the poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students.
  2. To examine the impact of sub-standard learning environment on the academic performance of students in English language.
  3. To assess the ineffectiveness of Language Proficiency on the academic performance of students in English language.
  4. To find if students’ low morale will affect their academic performance in English language.


1.4. Research Questions

The research questions for the study are buttressed below:

  1. Do teaching methods contribute to the poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students?
  2. What is the impact of sub-standard learning environments on the academic performance of students in English language?
  3. How does the ineffectiveness of Language Proficiency affect the academic performance of students in English language?
  4. Does students’ low morale affect their academic performance in English language?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement for the study is stated below:

Ho: Teaching methods has no significant contribution to the poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students

H1: Teaching methods has significant contribution to the poor learning and assimilation of the English language among students


1.6.  Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the factors responsible for poor learning and assimilation of English language among SS2 students of Girls Secondary School is multi-faceted. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the challenges these students face in learning English. This could range from lack of qualified teachers, inadequate learning materials, to socio-cultural factors that may hinder effective learning. By identifying these factors, the study can help educators and policymakers devise strategies to address them.

The study is significant because it can help to improve the overall quality of education in the school. English language proficiency is crucial for academic success, as it is the medium of instruction in many subjects. Therefore, improving English language learning and assimilation can enhance students’ understanding and performance in other subjects as well. This can lead to an overall improvement in the academic performance of the students.

The study can contribute to the body of knowledge on language education, particularly in the context of girls’ education in developing countries. It can provide insights into the unique challenges faced by female students in learning English, and how these challenges can be overcome. This can be useful for researchers, educators, and policymakers working in the field of girls’ education.

The study can have implications for the future career prospects of the students. English language proficiency is often a prerequisite for higher education and employment opportunities. Therefore, addressing the factors responsible for poor learning and assimilation of English can help to enhance the future career prospects of the students.

The study can also have social implications. English language proficiency can enhance communication and social interaction, and can also foster a sense of self-confidence and empowerment among the students. Therefore, improving English language learning and assimilation can contribute to the overall personal development of the students.

Lastly, the study can help to promote equality in education. Girls’ education is often neglected in many parts of the world, and this study can help to highlight the importance of investing in girls’ education. By addressing the factors responsible for poor learning and assimilation of English among girls, the study can contribute to efforts to promote gender equality in education.

1.7.  Scope of the Study

The study examines factors responsible for poor learning and assimilation of English language among SS2 students of Girls Secondary School, Ikenegbu, Owerri. The study is restricted to SS2 students of Girls Secondary School, Ikenegbu, Owerri, Imo State.


1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Poor Learning: This refers to a situation where students are unable to grasp, understand, or retain the information being taught. It could be due to various factors such as lack of interest, inadequate teaching methods, or external distractions.


  1. Assimilation: In the context of learning, assimilation refers to the process of absorbing new information and incorporating it into existing knowledge structures. It’s a key component of cognitive development and learning.


  1. English Language: This is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon settlers. It is now the third most widespread native language in the world and the global language of business, science, and culture.


  1. Teaching Method: This refers to the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner.


  1. Morale: Morale refers to the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence of a person or group at a particular time. In a school setting, high morale among students often leads to better engagement and success.


  1. Students: Students are individuals who are engaged in learning, typically within a school or educational institution. They are the recipients of knowledge, skills, and competencies from teachers or instructors.


  1. Motivation: Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. In an educational context, motivation can be understood as a student’s drive to participate in the learning process. It can be intrinsic (coming from within the student) or extrinsic (coming from outside rewards or punishments).

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