Full Project – Christian Marriage and its Implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.

Full Project – Christian Marriage and its Implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.

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  • Background to the Study

Christian marriage, as a fundamental institution within the Apostolic Church Nigeria, has been a subject of extensive study and discussion. The church, which is a Pentecostal Christian denomination in Nigeria, places a significant emphasis on the sanctity and importance of marriage (Ojo, 2006). The Apostolic Church Nigeria views marriage as a divine institution, established by God for the purpose of companionship, procreation, and the establishment of a godly lineage (Ojo, 2006). This perspective is deeply rooted in the church’s interpretation of biblical teachings, particularly those found in the book of Genesis.

The implications of Christian marriage in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria are multifaceted. Firstly, the church’s emphasis on marriage and family life has been a significant factor in its growth and expansion. According to a study by Kalu (2008), the church’s teachings on marriage and family have attracted many individuals and families, contributing to its rapid growth in Nigeria. The church’s emphasis on the importance of a stable, Christian family life has resonated with many Nigerians, leading to an increase in membership.

Secondly, Christian marriage within the Apostolic Church Nigeria has implications for the spiritual growth of its members. The church teaches that marriage is a means of sanctification, a process through which individuals are made holy (Ojo, 2006). Through the challenges and joys of married life, individuals are believed to grow spiritually, becoming more like Christ. This spiritual growth is seen as essential for the overall growth and vitality of the church.

Moreover, the Apostolic Church Nigeria’s teachings on Christian marriage have implications for societal stability and development. The church believes that strong, godly marriages contribute to societal stability and the moral upbringing of children (Kalu, 2008). This perspective aligns with sociological research, which has found a correlation between stable family structures and societal well-being (Wilcox, 2010).

However, it is important to note that the church’s teachings on marriage have also been a source of controversy and debate. Some critics argue that the church’s emphasis on marriage and family life can marginalize individuals who are single or divorced (Ojo, 2006). Despite these criticisms, the Apostolic Church Nigeria continues to uphold its teachings on Christian marriage, viewing it as a central aspect of its mission and identity.

In conclusion, Christian marriage has significant implications for the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. It contributes to the church’s expansion, the spiritual growth of its members, and societal stability. However, these teachings also raise important questions about inclusivity and diversity within the church. Future research could explore these tensions in more detail, contributing to a deeper understanding of the role of Christian marriage in the Apostolic Church Nigeria.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem statement regarding Christian marriage and its implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the religious, cultural, and social dynamics at play. The Apostolic Church Nigeria, like many other Christian denominations, places a high value on the institution of marriage. However, the specific role and impact of Christian marriage on the growth of the church have not been thoroughly examined (Adeyemo, 2010).

The first issue is the lack of empirical data on the subject. While there are numerous anecdotal accounts and theological discussions on the role of Christian marriage in the church, there is a dearth of quantitative and qualitative studies that provide a comprehensive understanding of this issue (Ojo, 2007). This lack of empirical data makes it difficult to ascertain the exact impact of Christian marriage on the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.

Secondly, there is a need to understand the socio-cultural dynamics that influence Christian marriage within the Apostolic Church Nigeria. The church operates within a specific cultural context that shapes its understanding and practice of Christian marriage. However, there is limited research on how these socio-cultural dynamics influence the role of Christian marriage in the church (Ukah, 2008).

Thirdly, the issue of changing societal norms and values is another problem. The traditional understanding and practice of Christian marriage are being challenged by modern societal norms and values. This has implications for the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria, but there is limited research on this issue (Ayegboyin, 2012).

Fourthly, there is the problem of internal dynamics within the Apostolic Church Nigeria. The church has its own unique beliefs, practices, and structures that influence its understanding and practice of Christian marriage. However, there is limited research on how these internal dynamics impact the role of Christian marriage in the growth of the church (Ojo, 2014).

Lastly, there is the issue of external influences. The Apostolic Church Nigeria operates within a broader Christian and societal context that influences its understanding and practice of Christian marriage. However, there is limited research on how these external influences impact the role of Christian marriage in the growth of the church (Ukah, 2015).

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to Christian Marriage and its Implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the role of Christian marriage in the growth and development of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.
  2. To investigate the influence of Christian marital values on the spiritual and numerical growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.
  3. To analyze the impact of Christian marriage on the unity and cohesion within the Apostolic Church Nigeria.
  4. To explore the relationship between Christian marriage practices and the evangelistic efforts of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are stated below:

  1. What role does Christian marriage play in the growth and development of the Apostolic Church Nigeria?
  2. How does the influence of Christian marital values affect the spiritual and numerical growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria?
  3. What is the impact of Christian marriage on the unity and cohesion within the Apostolic Church Nigeria?
  4. How does the relationship between Christian marriage practices and the evangelistic efforts of the Apostolic Church Nigeria look like?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Christian marriage has no significant impact in the growth and development of the Apostolic Church Nigeria

H1: Christian marriage has significant impact in the growth and development of the Apostolic Church Nigeria

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study on Christian Marriage and its implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria cannot be overstated. The first paragraph will delve into the importance of understanding the role of Christian marriage in the growth and development of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. This study will provide a comprehensive analysis of how Christian marriage contributes to the church’s growth, both in terms of spiritual and numerical growth.

In the second paragraph, the study will highlight the influence of Christian marital values on the spiritual and numerical growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. By examining these values, the study will provide insights into how they shape the church’s growth and development. This will be crucial in understanding the church’s growth dynamics and how they can be enhanced.

The third paragraph will focus on the impact of Christian marriage on the unity and cohesion within the Apostolic Church Nigeria. The study will explore how Christian marriage fosters unity and cohesion, which are essential elements for any church’s growth and development. This will provide a basis for understanding how Christian marriage contributes to the church’s unity and cohesion.

In the fourth paragraph, the study will explore the relationship between Christian marriage practices and the evangelistic efforts of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. This will provide insights into how Christian marriage practices influence the church’s evangelistic efforts, which are crucial for its growth and development.

The fifth paragraph will highlight the practical implications of the study. The findings of this study will provide the Apostolic Church Nigeria with valuable insights that can be used to enhance its growth and development strategies. This will be particularly useful in shaping the church’s policies and practices regarding Christian marriage.

Finally, the sixth paragraph will underscore the academic significance of the study. This study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Christian marriage and church growth. It will provide a unique perspective on the Apostolic Church Nigeria, thereby enriching the academic discourse on this subject.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of Christian Marriage and its Implications in the growth of the Apostolic Church Nigeria. The study is limited to Apostle Church Nigeria in Lagos.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Christian Marriage: In the Christian context, marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, sanctified by God. It is a covenant relationship, often symbolized by a public religious ceremony. It is not just a legal contract but a spiritual bond where the couple pledges to love, honor, and cherish each other in accordance with biblical principles.

Implications: This term refers to the possible outcomes, consequences, or effects that can result from a particular action or situation. In this context, it refers to the potential impact or influence that Christian marriage might have on various aspects of the Apostolic Church Nigeria.

Growth: In the context of a church, growth can refer to both numerical and spiritual expansion. Numerical growth involves an increase in the number of church members or attendees, while spiritual growth refers to the deepening of faith and understanding among existing members.

Apostolic Church Nigeria: The Apostolic Church Nigeria is a Pentecostal Christian denomination in Nigeria, which is part of the worldwide Apostolic Church. It is one of the biggest churches in Nigeria and has a significant influence on the country’s religious landscape. The church believes in the teachings of the Apostles and strives to live according to those principles.

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