Free Essay: The Person I want to Become in the Future

Free Essay: The Person I want to Become in the Future

I have numerous goals for the sort of person I hope to become as a secondary school student in Nigeria. While I agree that there is no one right way to live, I do think that certain traits are necessary for a happy and successful existence. In this article, I’ll talk about the traits I want to develop and why they’re so essential to me. I value honesty and integrity above everything else. This requires me to always act in an honest, trustworthy, and dependable manner. For me, this means never letting my academic honesty be questioned by resorting to dishonest methods like cheating. It involves telling the truth and being a good person outside of class. For me, maintaining my integrity is crucial since it helps me form trusting bonds with my loved ones and coworkers.

Secondly, I aspire to be a person who places a premium on learning. Education is crucial to me as a Nigerian student and to my future prospects.

I appreciate the chances presented by education and know that a commitment to learning throughout one’s life is crucial to one’s success and happiness. A good education may provide me with access to novel opportunities, a deeper understanding of the world, and the tools I need to achieve my goals. To me, valuing education means pushing myself academically, seeking out novel learning experiences, and inspiring others to do the same.

Third, I want to grow into a socially responsible individual. This requires me to be attuned to the concerns of my neighbors and to respond accordingly. I am well aware, as a Nigerian, of the myriad difficulties and problems that plague my own country, from economic hardship and corruption to environmental devastation and political unrest. Volunteering my time, contributing money, and fighting for social justice and equality are all examples of how I may be socially responsible.

My fourth aspiration is to always be open to learning and developing as a person. This requires me to continually push myself to acquire new knowledge, mature in the face of adversity, and broaden my horizons. I am well aware, even at the secondary school level, that there is much more to learn and many ways in which I may grow and develop. Having a dedication to self-improvement entails doing things like making plans for my own development, asking for and responding to constructive criticism, and taking steps to implement those plans.

Ultimately, I hope to make a difference in the world. I hope that my life’s work, my volunteer efforts, and the connections I’ve forged will leave a positive imprint on the world. This implies I must make a conscious effort to improve the quality of other people’s lives by the decisions I make and the steps I take. To be a person who makes a positive difference in the world, one must take the lead with empathy and compassion, show concern for others, and work hard to make a difference in the world.

Finally, as a Nigerian high schooler, I want to make a difference in the world by being a good person who places a premium on learning, who cares about others, who is dedicated to developing their own potential, and who acts with integrity. To find happiness and success in life and to have a great impact on the world, we need to cultivate these traits. Developing these traits will need time and effort, but I am determined to putting in the effort required to become the greatest possible version of myself.