Free Essay on The Girl I want to become when I grow Up

Free Essay on The Girl I want to become when I grow Up

When I grow up, I hope to be like the kind, sensitive, and ambitious woman I see in my mind’s eye. I aspire to live a life of significance and to be a source of support for others who are less fortunate.

I’ve always wanted to find a way to make a difference in people’s lives, and a career in medicine seems like the perfect fit. I hope to use my medical training to help kids by becoming a pediatrician.

In addition to succeeding professionally, one of my goals in life is to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Playing sports and being physically active is something I hope to do for the rest of my life.

The kind of woman I aspire to be is also someone who values education and has a broad understanding of the world. Education is the means via which I hope to continue my pursuit of personal development throughout my lifetime.
Finally, I want to be a person that is content and successful in every facet of life. I hope to build meaningful bonds with my loved ones and have the freedom to see the world.

In general, the woman I aspire to be as I grow up is one who is caring, ambitious, selfless, healthy, intelligent, and content. All of this is within my reach, I think, if I put in the effort and remain loyal to who I am.