Cross Examination of Fuel Hike on Food Shortage in Nigeria

Cross Examination of Fuel Hike on Food Shortage in Nigeria

An essential area of inquiry is the impact of the recent gasoline price increase on the food deficit in Nigeria. Food availability and affordability have been significantly impacted by the recent increase in the price of petroleum in Nigeria.
Reasons for this include the importance of fuel in transportation and farming. Food transportation expenses from rural areas to metropolitan centers have increased due to the rise in fuel prices. Because of this, there are now food shortages in several major cities.

The cost of agricultural inputs like fertilizers and insecticides has risen alongside the price of petroleum. Farmers’ inability to purchase these inputs has contributed to a decline in agricultural output. This has added to the already dire food situation in Nigeria.

The cost of farming has gone up as a result of the increase in gasoline prices. The delivery of raw materials and the operation of machinery are only two examples of how reliant on fuel many food processing companies are. The rising cost of gasoline has pushed up production costs in various sectors, which has resulted in price hikes for consumers.

The gasoline price increase has also reduced the disposable income of the Nigerian people. Since the price of gas has gone up, so have the expenditures associated with transporting products and services. Because of this, people’s food budgets have shrunk and they are finding it harder to make ends meet.

In conclusion, the gasoline price increase in Nigeria has contributed significantly to the country’s food shortfall. The rising cost of petroleum has a domino effect on the economy, increasing the price of everything from transportation to groceries. The government must take action to solve this problem and identify ways to lessen the impact of the gasoline price increase on the country’s food supply.